Sponsored by PROLADES in partnership with
The Hispanic Association for Theological Education -
Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana (AETH)

Clifton L. Holland, Director of PROLADES
Project Developer and Manager

~~ 1 October 2011 to 31 August 2012 ~~

Online Searchable Database of
Protestant Churches in Puerto Rico

In development: current number of
local congregations in geographical dbase = 3,904
(total number in the national dbase = 4,080;
176 churches do not have a physical address)

Historical Profiles of
Protestant Denominations in Puerto Rico, 15 August 2012

Clifton L. Holland, General Editor
Dorothy Bullon, Assistant Editor
(final copy = 510 pages)

Bibliography on the History of Christian Churches in Puerto Rico -
Bibliografia con enfasis en historia de las Iglesias Cristianas de Puerto Rico

Table of the Geographic Distribution of
Protestant Congregations in Puerto Rico, July 2012

Directory of Protestant Denominations in Puerto Rico, July 2012

Report on Number of Protestant Congregations
sorted by Classification Codes, 15 July 2012

Report on Number of Protestant Congregations
for each Denomination, sorted by Quantity, 15 July 2012

Directory of Protestant Theological Education
Programs in Puerto Rico, 2012

Puerto Rico and Its People

Puerto Rico in Wikipedia

Welcome to Puerto Rico website

San Juan, Puerto Rico videos

Photos of Puerto Rico

Map of Puerto Rico (geographical features)

Map of Puerto Rico (Municipal Consolidation)

Map of Puerto Rico (Municipalities)

Map of Puerto Rico - 2010 Census Profile

Map of Core Based Statistical Areas & Municipios, 2004

Resident Population with Projections, 1990 - 2050

Puerto Rico Summary, 1990 - 2010

American Community Survey of Puerto Rico, 2006

Profiles of General Population Statistics, 2000

2012 Statistical Abstract for Puerto Rico

Selected Social Characteristics of the Population, 2010

Maps of Census County Divisions (CCD)

Interactive Map of CCDs

A Study of the San Juan Metropolitan Area

Google Map of San Juan & Vacinity

San Juan-Caguas-Fajardo CSA Map

Demographical Study based on 2000 Census

American Community Survey of
San Juan-Caguas-Fajardo CSA, 2006

2010 Census Demographic Profile

2010 Census Selected Social Characteristics

Maps of Census County Divisions (CCD - municipios)

Interactive Map of CCDs

Subdivisions (barrios) of San Juan

Table of the Distribution of Protestant Churches
in the San Juan Metro Area, July 2012

An Introduction to Religious Studies of Puerto Rico

A Classification System of Religious Groups in the Americas by
Major Traditions and Denominational Families
English - Spanish

PROLADES Encyclopedia of Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean
By Clifton L. Holland, Director of PROLADES (2009):
Religion in Puerto Rico (English)
Religion en Puerto Rico (Spanish)

RITA Database of All Religious Groups in Puerto Rico (2007)

RITA Database of All Religious Groups in Puerto Rico
(July 2012)

Documents on Ethnic & Religious Diversity in Puerto Rico

Anthony M. Stevens Arroyo
"Taking Religion Seriously:   New Perspectives on Religion in Puerto Rico"
Centro Journal, Fall 2006, Volume XVIII, No. 002
City University of New York, Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos

Jose Enrique Mora Torres
“The Political Incorporation of Pentecostals in
Panama, Puerto Rico and Brazil:  A Comparative Analysis,”

an unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut, 2010
(VII - Puerto Rico, pp. 135-212)

The Protestant Movement in Puerto Rico

A Family Tree of the Protestant Movement

A Bilingual Chronology of
Protestant Origins in Puerto Rico


Table of Estimated Size of
the Protestant Movement in Puerto Rico, 1989

Table of Estimated Size of
the Protestant Movement in Puerto Rico, 2000

Operation World - Puerto Rico, 2000

Operation World - Puerto Rico, 2010

A Statistical Report for CONELA on
Protestant Denominations in Puerto Rico, 2010

Table of Estimated Size of
the Protestant Movement in Puerto Rico, 1989 & 2012 Compared

(31 August 2012)

Denominational Websites
(preliminary listing - in development)

Apostolic Church of God Council -
Concilio Iglesia de Dios Apostólica

Assemblies of God, Puerto Rican District (1920, Ponce, PR) -
Asambleas de Dios, Distrito de Puerto Rico

Assembly of Christian Churches (1939, New York City) -
Asamblea de Iglesia Cristianas (1949, San Juan, PR)

Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico -
Iglesias Bautistas de Puerto Rico (IBPR, 1899)
Affiliated with American Baptist Churches in the USA

Brotherhood of Charismatic Christian Churches (1979, PR) -
Hermandad de Iglesias Cristianas Carismaticas

Christian Church / Disciples of Christ -
Iglesia Cristiana / Discipulos de Cristo en Puerto Rico (ICDC, 1899)

Christian Ministry of the Catacombs -
Ministerio Cristiano de las Catacumbas (1971, PR)

Christian & Missionary Alliance -
Alianza Cristiana y Misionera (ACyM, 1900)

Christian Pentecostal Church Worldwide Missionary Movement -
Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostes Movimiento Misionero Mundial (MMM, 1963)

Churches of Christ (instrumental & non-instrumental) -
Iglesias de Cristo en Puerto Rico (1930s, San Juan, PR)

Church of God Mission Board -
Iglesia de Dios Mission Board (IDMB, 1944, Santurce, PR)
(afiliated with the Church of God in Cleveland, TN)

The Church of God, Inc. -
La Iglesia de Dios, Inc. (LIDDI, 1942)

Church of the Nazarene -
Iglesia del Nazareno (INAZ, 1944)

Church of God of Prophecy -
Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia

Convention of Southern Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico -
Convencion de Iglesias Bautistas del Sur de Puerto Rico (CIBSPR, 1950s)

Council of Apostolic Christian Churches of Bethsaida -
Concilio de Iglesias Apostolica Cristiana de Bethsaida (1948, PR)

Council of Missionary Churches of Christ -
Concilio de Iglesias de Cristo Misionera (1935, Puerto Rico)

Defenders of the Faith (1925) -
Movimiento Defensores de la Fe Cristiana (1931, Arecibo, PR)

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -
Iglesia Evangelica Luterana en America Sinodo del Caribe

Fellowship of Charismatic Christian Churches -
Hermandad de Iglesia Cristianas Carismaticas (1979, PR)

Good Shepherd Evangelical Church -
Iglesia Evangelica del Buen Pastor

Habacuc 3:2 International Council -
Concilio Internacional Habacuc 3:2 (1971, PR)

Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Churches -
Iglesias Bautistas Fundamentalistas Independientes

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel -
Iglesia Internacional del Evangelio Cuadrangular

International Fraternity of
Autonomous Hispanic Assemblies of God -
La Fraternidad Internacional
Asambleas de Dios Autonomas Hispanas, Inc.
(FIADAH, 2001)

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod -
Iglesia Luterana Sinodo de Misuri (1993, PR)

Messengers of Christ Church -
Iglesia Mensajeros de Cristo

The Methodist Episcopal Church -
Iglesia Metodista de Puerto Rico (IMPR, 1900)

Missionary Church of Christ -
Iglesia de Cristo Misionera (1938, PR)

Nazareth Christian Church -
Iglesia Cristiana de Nazaret

Open Bible Standard Churches -
Iglesias de la Biblia Abierta (1958, PR)

Pentecostal Church of God, International Mission -
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal, M.I. (IDPMI, 1921)

Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ -
Iglesia Pentecostal de Jesucristo (1947, NYC)

Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene -
Iglesia Pentecostal del Nazareno

Plymouth Brethren -
Iglesia Hermanos Libres

Presbyterian Church in USA (1789, Philadelphia, PA) -
Sinodo Presbiteriana Borinquen (1898, - San Juan, PR)

Primitive Church of God -
Iglesia de Dios Primitiva

Protestant Episcopal Church -
Iglesia Episcopal Puertorriqueña (IEPR, 1872)
Historical Documents

Reformed Presbyterian Church -
Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada (IPR, 1936) -
Affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA

Refuge of Zion Church -
Iglesia Refugio de Sion

Quakers / Friends -
Iglesia de los Amigos (1943, PR)

Revival Evangelical Church -
Iglesia Evangelica de Avivamiento

Sacraficed Church of God -
Iglesia de Dios Sacraficada

Samaria Evangelical Church Council -
Concilio Iglesia Evangelica Samaria

Seventh-Day Adventist Church -
Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia (IASD, 1898, 1901)

Soldiers of the Cross of Christ International Evangelical Church -
Iglesia Evangelica Internacional Soldados de la Cruz de Cristo (1922, Cuba)

The Salvation Army -
El Ejercito de Salvacion

United Brethren in Christ / United Evangelical Church -
Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Puerto Rico (1899, merger 1931, PR)

United Pentecostal Church -
Iglesia Pentecostal Unida

Wesleyan Church -
Iglesia Wesleyana

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church -
Iglesia Evangelica Luterana de Wisconsin

A general history of the Protestant Movement in Puerto Rico
has yet to be written; this is our current task.  Below are some of
the historical documents that have been published by various sources to date.

Justice C. Anderson
"Puerto Rico" (pp. 535-540) in
An Evangelical Saga:  Baptists and their Precursors in Latin America
(Xulon Press, 2005)

Donald Moore (ca. 1990)
Los Evangelicos en Puerto Rico desde el Siglo XIX

Marina Rojas
En Torno a los Heroes y las Heroinas:  Tres Generaciones de
Pastores y Pastoras de la Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Puerto Rico, 1954-1999

(Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Puerto Rico, 2003)

"100 años del protestantismo en Puerto Rico" en
la revista Presencia de la Fundacion Puerto Rico Evangelico
(Vol. 1, Año 1, 1998)

Joaquin Vargas
Los Discipulos de Cristo en Puerto Rico: albores, crecimiento y madurez
de un peregrinar de fe, constancia y esperanza, 1899-1987.
(Editorial DEI, 1988)

Created and Maintained by PROLADES
(Programa Latinoamericano de Estudios Sociorreligiosos/
Latin American Socio-Religious Studies Program)